
Gene Warfare and Lobular Cancer

by Medindia Content Team on Dec 4 2006 12:30 PM

Every one in ten or fifteen cases of breast cancer can be attributed to Classic Lobular Carcinomas (CLC).

Breast tissue is made up of ducts or tubes and lobules( milk producing glands). Invasive(spreading) lobular cancer can occur in women of the age group 45 to 55. As the symptoms of this cancer show up as thickened portions of breast tissue rather than definite hardened lumps, they may not be noticed immediately causing the tumours to spread. Diagnosis involves tests like mammogram, ultrasound scan, fine needle aspiration and needle core biopsy.

Though it may not be considered deadlier than other cancers of the breast, there is a chance of CLC ocuring in both breasts, or spreading from one breast to the other. Very little is known about the supposed methods of targeting the tumors found in invasive lobular cancer.

A study (published in Clinical Cancer Research) was done by subjecting 13 cases of CLC to molecular and tissue analysis. It was seen that the presence of a gene FGFR1 contributed to the survival of certain cancerous cells in these tumors. Hence it was suggested that inhibitors or suppressants of this gene could be used in formulating drugs intended for the therapy of this type of carcinoma.

