
WHO on an Anti Rabies and Snake Bite Mission

by Jyothsna on Jan 10 2007 1:56 PM

WHO on an Anti Rabies and Snake Bite Mission
WHO plans to improve the treatment given to people bitten by snakes or dogs. An estimated US$ 10 million is assigned for this mission.
Africa, Latin America and Asia are the most affected countries in terms of rabies, snake bite and scorpion stings. When it comes to snake bite, the actual number of death is not known as many of them prefer home remedies to hospital intervention.

According to a WHO release, rabies figures tenth in the list of causes of death in humans. Though it is lethal, it is preventable completely when therapeutic sera are available.

Treatment to victims of snake bite or dog bite depends on the availability of therapeutic sera. As it is either not available in the countries where it is most needed, many of them die. To augment the production of therapeutic sera, WHO has devised a global action plan.

Uncertainty in demand and profit levels and affordability are some of the issues faced by the manufacturers of the sera. There is a steady decline in the number of manufacturers of anti venom against African snake bite. Hence global guidelines are being formulated to combat this issue.

Educating the people about the snake bite, rabies is very essential. Secondly a uniform standard in the production, quality and marketing of therapeutic sera all over the world is needed. Thirdly transfer of latest development and technology to the developing countries is vital. WHO plans to bring an effective solution to all these issues.

